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Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division Training: Self-Care Practices for Mental Health Professionals

Date/Time: Friday, April 26, 2019 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM HST (8:30-9:00 AM Registration)
Location: Kakuhihewa Building (ADAD) Room 111 A/B 601 Kamokila Blvd., Kapolei, HI 96707 (View Map)
Cost: $25.00 payable to CDFH by credit card through the registration site. Personal/cashiers, agency checks and money orders are accepted (See info below)
Ces: 6 hrs. ADAD approved
Registration is closed. The registration limit has been met.
The importance of self-care for professionals entails continuously "looking after your own mental health and well being so that you can more effectively support the young people you work with". Participants will be able to discuss the importance of self-care and impact - both positive and negative. Participants will also learn new skills to decrease burnout and stress-related illness, become more effective in the workplace. Also, apply these skills to everyday practice.
Jessica Torralva, MSCP, NCC. Jessica has extensive experience in the Human Service field. She currently works as a therapist for an evidenced-based treatment program. She is also the Area Chair for Bachelors of Science in Human Service-Field Experience and facilitator for a private college.
Target Audience:
Certified Substance Abuse Counselors (CSAC), Certified Prevention Specialists (CPS), and applicants; those with other ADAD professional credentials; and anyone involved in the human services field.
Questions/Inquiries: Contact Michelle Park Coalition for a Drug-Free Hawaii, Hawaii Pacific Center for Excellence 808-545-3228 ext. 37 or at [email protected]
Registration payment via personal/cashiers, agency checks and money orders are accepted and may be mailed to:
Coalition for a Drug-Free Hawaii
Attn: Michelle Park
1130 N. Nimitz Hwy. Suite A259
Honolulu, HI 96817