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O'ahu Coalitions Training: Organizing for Community-Level Change

Date/Time Tuesday, September 18 to Thursday, September 20, 2018 from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Kapalama Hale 925 Dillingham Boulevard Honolulu, HI 96817
Cost: Free
Certificate: 14 Continuing Education Units for Certified Prevention Specialist and Certified Substance Abuse Counselor Certifications (pending ADAD approval).

Registration for this event has closed.


This interactive training will focus on equipping coalitions with the necessary skills and tools to build an effective advocacy structure to impact community-level change on drug and alcohol problems. Coalitions will assess their own current capacity to begin environmental prevention work and will develop strategies to increase their capacity. The training will also take participants through the initial action steps necessary to begin the implementation of their environmental strategies. Participants will leave with an initial action plan to take back to their coalitions and move the work forward.


This training is being offered to community coalitions and its members currently working on youth substance abuse prevention issues in their communities. It is open to all community coalitions within the State of Hawai’i. Coalitions are encouraged (not required) to send a minimum of two attendees to the training.

I. Identify concrete ways to recruit new, community-based members tied to specific coalition roles and responsibilities.

II. Identify the data needed to make the case for policy change and evaluation of the effectiveness of change.

III. Identify specific strategies and activities related to policy goals that connect to the coalition's logic model.

IV. Engage grassroots, non-agency support in their policy efforts.

V. Create initial action plan steps to move the work forward.


Please contact the event organizer, found on the bottom of the registration page.