What's Cultural Competence Got to do with Prevention?
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to:
1. Define culture and other pertinent concepts related to cultural competence
2. Understand how cultural competence can be applied to the Strategic Prevention Framework
3. Recognize their own cultural values and traditions
4. Compare and contrast cultural practices of different groups
5. Formulate or enhance a personal/professional philosophy for inclusion and cultural competence
Date/Time: August 6, 2021 & August 12, 2021 from 10am - 12:00 PM HST, both dates.
Location: Zoom
Cost: Free
Certificate: This course provides 3.5 hours of continuing education credits (pending approval) for the Certified Prevention Specialist and Certified Substance Abuse Counselor credentials.
Registration for this event has closed.
Participant Requirements: This training will be a virtual training held on the Zoom platform. A zoom link will be emailed to you 2 days prior to the training date. Participants must have access to Zoom and the ability to have audio and video capabilities, as the training is interactive in nature. Participants must attend both training days to receive their Certificate of Completion. Each training day will run from 10:00am - 12:00pm and the training dates are as follows: August 6th and 12th.
Facilitator: Colber Prosper
Mr. Colber Prosper is the founder and senior consultant for Prosper & Partners, an international consulting firm that specializes in professional and organizational development. He is also the author of the book No Entry: Examining the powers that undermine our full potential. Mr. Prosper has done extensive research on issues of inclusion, social justice, organizational change, middle management and higher education. He has facilitated numerous presentations, programs, workshops and trainings around these topic areas. Mr. Prosper has also provided trainings in coalition building, prevention of substance use or misuse and organizational development around the world in places such as Port-au-Prince, Haiti; Cape Town, South Africa; Nairobi, Kenya and several more.
Questions: Contact event organizer, Rick Collins at [email protected]