Alcohol Edu for High School is an online, interactive alcohol prevention program designed to increase alcohol-related knowledge, discourage underage drinking, and decrease alcohol use and its consequences.
Target Problem
- Alcohol
- School
- Online
Target Participants
- High school students
- Grades: 9-12
- Gender: Male and female
Assumptions and Outcomes
Main intermediate factor(s) assumed to influence substance misuse
- Awareness of alcohol use and its consequences
Underlying assumptions
- To be effective, a prevention program needs to use a system approach that covers all processes of prevention (individual plan and goals, institutional setting, leadership, and best practices)
- The use of media familiar to high school students (internet, videos, etc.) would make it easier to get the messages across
Non-substance misuse outcomes
- Not documented, since the program is focused on alcohol use only
Program Structure
- The lessons are done in the computer. It consists of a preliminary course, five 25 minute lessons, a post-course assessment and two follow-up assessments. The courses take 2-4 class periods in school’s computer lab, or maybe assigned as an outside project. Typically AlcoholEdu is implemented in freshmen year.
- Providers/facilitators: AlcoholEdu typically is facilitated by a class-room teacher
- Training needed: No
Previous Implementations
- AlcoholEdu started in 2004 and has been implemented in various public and private high schools throughout the United States
Previous participants
- White
- Hispanic or Latino
- African American
Cultural relevance for Hawai‘i
0 | No contextual relevance |
1 | Place-based or ethno-culture |
2 | Place-based and ethno-culture |
3 | Place-based or ethno-culture pertaining to Hawai‘i |
4 | Hawai‘i-oriented contextual relevance |
Note: This framework was based on a study which examined several nationally recognized prevention programs to determine whether any may have cultural relevance to the context of Hawai‘i (Rehurer, Hiramatsu & Helm, 2008 ). We borrowed this framework and applied it to a more current list of EBPs. This approach looks at whether or not a program’s curriculum content was originated and developed with a certain place or culture in mind. A score of 0 (zero) indicates no specific reference to a place or an ethno-culture was included in the program’s development (no contextual cultural relevance) and a score of 4 (four) indicates that the program was developed either specifically for Hawai‘i or was developed somewhere else but was then also adapted for "local" and/or Native Hawaiian cultures. Placement of a program on the continuum was based on the sample population listed in their study reports and included considerations of 1) whether the program was ever implemented with populations similar to the racial/ethnic composition of Hawai‘i's population and 2) whether the program was ever adapted to meet the needs of a specified local or ethnic culture (for instance, was the curriculum has successfully implemented in Spanish or languages other than English?).
Ever implemented in Hawai‘i?
- Yes
Previous implementation in Hawai‘i
Location | Time Period | Organization |
Hawai‘i County | 2011 | Boys & Girls Club of the Big Island |
Is there any published study with Hawai‘i participants?
- No
Contact Information
- Everfi (Formerly Outside The Classroom), 199 Wells Avenue, Suite 211, Newton, MA 02459. Phone: (781) 726-6677
- Alcohol Edu for High School website: https://everfi.com/courses/k-12/alcoholedu-awareness-prevention-high-school/
- Alcohol Edu for High School information sheet: https://everfi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/AlcoholEduHS_onepager-Nov2016.pdf
- Center on the Family, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. (2016). Prevention Programs Online Survey, 2014–2016 (Tool C2 & D5)
- Center on the Family, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. (2013). Substance Abuse Prevention Resource Mapping Project
- Rehuher, D., Hiramatsu, T., & Helm, S. (2008). Evidence-based youth drug prevention: a critique with implications for practice-based contextually relevant prevention in Hawai‘i. Hawaii Journal of Public Health. 1(1): 52-61. Retrieved from http://health.hawaii.gov/hjmph/files/2013/09/Volume1.1.pdf
- Yuan, S., Sabino, S., & Wongkaren, T. (2013). Final evaluation report: Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant, State of Hawai‘i, 2006-2012. Honolulu, HI: Center on the Family, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.